Sunday, January 18, 2015

Finishing one thing and starting another............but what's new?

Last night, I stayed up past my bedtime to pull the last three hundred fibers to finish my Tree of Life Latch Hook rug.  And I must say that it was with a bit of sadness that the creative part of this project is now complete.  It was like spending a few hours each evening with an old friend.  I will be at a loss as to what to do with myself now in the evenings.  Not really, I always have many unfinished projects to attend to, much to Ian's displeasure.

I have yet to stitch the binding on the rug and paint on its non-slip backing.  The ammonia component of the liquid backing is disgusting and needs to be applied outside, so I am hoping the weather cooperates with me over the next few days.

So here is what the rug looks like without the binding started.

I am quite happy with the end result, but have made some beginner mistakes, that at the time I knew I was doing, but didn't see how it would make much difference.....the end product showed me why.  Tisk know-it-all personality has bit me in the bum again.

Our next project at Caniwi manor is the upstairs hallway reno.  This poor space has been used as a storage/ craft space for years and it shows it.  Two of the old plaster walls are painted a stark white; paint left over from my kitchen cupboard re-do ten + years ago.  The two end walls have black and white wallpaper, again left over from my re-do of my living room when I was in my Black and White phase.  I must admit, I rather enjoyed my Black and white served its purpose and was very reflective of where I was at that point in my life.  Now, I will smile and move on.  

I will start this reno job the correct way this time.....with  a few before pictures and hopefully pictures along the way chronicling the deconstruction and the reconstruction of this space.  We have selected textured wallpaper once again for the ceiling with a very dramatic wine and gold pattern for the stairwell wall and a mottled wine paper for the opposite walls. 

So here is what the horrid space looks like now....

Here is a picture of the two wallpapers Ian and I have chosen for the upstairs hallway.   They are a bit dramatic, but I think I will love them once they are on the walls.

This isn't a great image of the gold paper....the actual color is very close to the gold in the pattern paper.  

This paper will go on the top half of the stairwell wall.....remember Ian was busy papering the bottom half over the Christmas holidays.  

There is lots to do before we can start putting up wallpaper. The ceiling is in very bad condition, with paint peeling and cracked where both oil and latex paints have been used.  Then we will run a cove molding around the room like we did downstairs.  The textured wallpaper for the ceiling  is also a bit dramatic with a large medallion pattern.  The papering of the ceiling will have its challenges as we will be working over the open stairwell....scary business.  We will have to install staging of some sort that will be sturdy and safe, but will also allow us to have enough room to still use the stairs if need be.  Since the only bathroom in the house is downstairs, I am sure we will need the freedom to go down the stairs once we start working.....LOL.  Old lady bladder here.  

My chore this week will be to find new homes for all my crafting supplies, my desk and chair, and the antique sewing desk.  I also have a large two door cabinet that needs to be emptied and the cabinet itself dismantled and  removed.   It never ceases to amaze me how I have accumulated so much crafting supplies. I started out with tole painting, then oil and acrylics, on to stamps and card making and now making journals and re-purposing books.  And, as luck would have it, I have everything I ever bough, plus all the materials I inherited  with the passing of my good friend in 2013.  My house is bursting at the seems.  But I will attend to that in the spring with another purge.....and I do love it when that bin gets dropped off in my yard.....simplify simplify simplify.....that will be the order of the day.  

Well, I have got to go and drink my water and get my Zzzzzzz's so I won't be falling behind in the 52 Small Changes Challenge that I have signed on for this year.  And yes,  I did start my yoga practise up again today.....and pushed some snow around and brushed the I have made a good start on change #3....get some exercise.  

Until next week....toodles

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