Monday, April 2, 2018

Raising the artistic bar slightly today with raised images.....Hope is Never Lost

Hope is never true!

Here are the two original pages.....What to do?  
My thought was to continue the focal image onto the right hand page after painting out the advertisements.  Easy, right?

I was totally baffled as to what to use for the tin picture I thought, in a pinch I could use a bit of corrugated cardboard with it's top layer taken off.  The ridges are not oriented at the right angle to match, but what the heck?  Use what you have.

First things first, paint out the text.  I used an ample amount of white acrylic paint with a healthy dab of grey and blended them together on the paper itself.....hence the wet and glossy image, but needed lots of paint to cover the text and images.  It took for ever to dry too.
Then I placed my cut outs, glued and shaded in hopes of pulling the piece together.  I even added a twine ribbon in hopes of diverting the eye a bit.

Well.....kinda..... a Frankenstein kind of way I think it works.
I had to add a piece of lace to the edge as the paint soaked through to the cardboard underneath that was there to "protect it."  When I tried to left the page up off the cardboard it ripped a 2 inch piece down the side.  Blah!!!

To add insult to injury, I really didn't think this "raised imaged" through very the magazine journal, whose spine and pages I was trying to keep straight and smooth, does not closed properly, in fact the right hand page does not turn and lay flat so I can work.....or eventually view the next two page spread.  Bugger!!!!  Oh well.  It was fun playing.

I also popped out today and purchased another of the Stampington & Company magazines - this time it was Summerset Life.  Lots of neat ideas in this issue that I can't wait to try.  But, our Easter long weekend is over, back to reality and work tomorrow.

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