Sunday, March 4, 2018

New projects underway......

With my first Altered Book completed and my inner "little girl artist" very happy with herself, I set off to find my next book to alter. Not the easy task I thought it would be. 

Twice in the last five years I have done a huge purge of household contents....keeping mindful to only keep what I valued and found useful.  Not much room for throw away books there......but.....I have always struggled to recycle, throw or give away the many recipe books I have collected over my twenty plus years of parenthood.  I referred to these gems thousands of times over the years as I diligently made nutritious meals for my boy.  NOT ON YOUR LIFE.....they were glanced at after purchase and put in the little cupboard over the microwave, never to be looked at again....except for purge days....looked at, dusted off and put back in their place. So I am not sure why their lives have been saved countless times over the past years.

Long story short, I settled for an over sized, 10 x 14 glossy cookbook that nary a dish was created from.

But, what was I thinking????

As I said in my last post, my first altered book depleted my stash of magazine ephemera.  So,  I had no recourse but to take the only three magazines in the house, that were already cut and torn for other projects and try to glean some images.  I founds a few faces and hands that hadn't rip, torn or become eyeless.

This is what my first 20 x 14 spread became......

Then, like many afternoons, I turned to my YouTube Subscriptions and tuned into see what LorriMarie Jenkins was inspiring in the world of creativity.  She just posted a video on making a paper bag from left over book pages.  Just in time, as I was wondering what in the world I was going to do with these huge glossy pages I have torn from my newest art journal.  

Check out LorriMarie's video on paper bag making here:

Later that afternoon she posted again.  This time it was a 31 day challenge.  I love challenges.  

 Day 1 : 

Day 2: 

Day 3:  

Day 4 :

What fun!

I began to look around my art cupboards and came upon a canvas book kit put out by Donna Downey Canvas Album Kit that had been given to me years ago when a friend was clearing out her art room.  Now I can use this!!!!!
LorriMarie's only stipulation was to create small projects every day for 31 days.....use what you have.  I can see I can use the first clear page to house the distressed waterfall cards in the vellum envelope that she created on day 3,

So, after taking it apart, I was filled with excitement, anticipation......something.  I just want to put some images to this material.  I have never use raw canvas as my sub strait before, so I am not sure just how this will alter my practice to date.  But here's hoping.  

But....there is still a problem of no images in my stash.  So I made a point of going to my local bookstore and purchased a copy of Somerset Studio and Somerset Apprentice, both multi media artist publications from Stampington and Company. Now having my new magazines in hand, I felt that I could deconstruct my five year old copy of Journalling by the same company and came up with enough ephemera to get another project started.  

I then  finally gave in and called my mother in hopes that she might have some old magazines she might be willing to part with and perhaps would even have a few old sewing patterns that she could donate to the cause.  

So,  Day 1 of my canvas book:  I have completed page one on both sides.  I am not sure my ephemera is adhering to the canvas as securely as I would like, but I will have to let it dry and see what condition the papers are in then.

Six clear sleeves.....

                                Six canvas pages which can be used on both sides....I think??

And when completed can be bound together with this lovely ribbon......perhaps I will also add some burlap twine and some bobbles.....

Adding the under layer of text pages..... followed by a light coat of Gesso.

 Needed to go back and repunch the holes and roll back any paper around the grommet holes.

Page 1 completed.  Not sure the papers are going to stick securely to the moist canvas.  I have used the heat gun and the Brayer to keep the papers flat while attempting to speed up the drying process.  Fingers crossed.  I also stained the edges with my Tim Holtz distress ink pads and rubbed charcoal around the edges.

 Page 2 was a similar process but I skipped the Gesso in hope that the canvas bonded with the papers.  Instead, I just added distress inks and charcoal.  It will be a wait and see what things look like once the glue and Gesso are completely dry.

I added a small bit of saved ribbon from years ago which has small coins attached.  Pretty bling.  

And now I wait.....something I am not very good at.  
I have big plans for the canvas cover of this book.  But you will have to stay tuned for my next post to find out what I have in mind.  
Happy Sunday! 


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