Sunday, July 19, 2015

What we have been up to......

    Since my last post I have finished the school year and am now on summer vacation.  Yeah!  So far the summer has not been all that warm, which would have been nice considering the long cold and wet winter and spring we have had.  

    So first, what has been up with me personally.  I CUT MY HAIR.  Yes, after wanting long hair since cutting it in grade 12.....after the best part of 30 years I bit the bullet, looked the other way during the ugly stages and I grew it out......then I let it go grey.....and I then cut it off.  Being 50 something makes one fickled I guess.

2010 & 2011 The transition years.....

2012-13 The beginning  of the ponytail look.....

2013-14  A school photo that made me feel like I turned back the clock......

2014-15 Going grey made the clock go forward once again.....needing a change but not something that comes out of a bottle.

July 2015   Mid fifties....grey....and having short hair once again.

    I loved my hair long, but long and grey just didn't do it for me.  I love the short ruffled pixie but still feel a phantom ponytail.

Let's see.....what else.

    We have another toy car to add to our collection.  To keep our 1971 Mercury Cougar company, we picked up a 1995 Trans Am Convertible.  Such fun.  Ian loves the 6 speed automatic and the performance mufflers.  They were a bit loud at first, but I have become use to them.  We also became official members of the Annapolis Valley Cruisers car club instead of just the hangers on that we were last year. LOL

    Since my last posting some of my winter projects have been finished, many new ones have been started:  The upstairs hallway is almost completed with still the papering of the ceiling to complete. We always leave the more challenging bit until last.....makes the months of procrastination seem called for.  LOL
That was then........

This is now.    Note picture frame on wall still awaiting its mirror.....just one more thing added to the list.

    My rug hooking project is "hooked" and binding is in place.....but sits in a pile in my front sitting room awaiting some inspiration to do the finishing touches.....procrastination at it's best.  To be truthful, if I had a place to use it I would finish it...but I am having a hard time deciding where it will go once completed.  I need to find a place where it won't see too much traffic as latch hooked rugs look rather blah once they have been trod on a time or two.

    The newest addition to our family, Bayley, has been giving us some health challenges.  To date he has had two heel abscesses, just a month apart.  This is not really surprising considering the fact that we have just come through the wettest fall-winter-spring that I can remember and due to the fact that Bayley was also making a shod to barefoot transition during that time also.  But the upside is, he is on the other side of that process, vets....antibiotics,,,,,,Epsom salt soaks....Animalintex and Duck Tape wraps...Hopefully soon we will start riding before the next snow falls.

    After eighteen years of wanting to, my dreams of a horse barn expansion has become a reality thanks to my wonderful hubby.  My once quaint little loafing shed is now a two horse stable with hay storage and six foot walkway.  I love love love it!

 This is what the loafing shed looked like. I never seem to have appropriate before pictures for any of my reno jobs.....always an after thought.  LOL

At the start of the reno......

Finished product.  Yeah!

 Cement more standing in the mud.....YEAH!

 Back view......doors now on the hay storage portion.

 A place for everything and everything in its place....

 And Ian's Rainy Sunday afternoon project.....putting double shutter windows in each to love it.  A stall with a view and great air circulation.  I LOVE that man!

Inside Fleur's stall....

Outside Fleur's back wall.....second shutter yet to be mounted..... ( rain showers are threatening)

Bayley's stall will be windowless for another day.  Sad face.  

So my barn is almost completed... trim and shutters to paint.....just need to find some horsey type things to hang on the outside walls as they are looking a little bare and green.  And there is more hay to be cut and carted home from Gaspereau.  Our hay adventures and the tale of our broken hay baler is another blog onto itself.  Farming is always an adventure.  

    While Ian has been busy cutting holes in the walls of the barn I have been busying myself with a few touch ups on the house that it has been in desperate need of for some time.....painting the trim around the windows.  Ian started this job three summers ago.  He finished the backside of the house, which nobody sees from the road.  After much ado about nothing, I have taken brushes in hand and made a start on the job.  Twenty years ago we had painted the top trim om the windows blue......the south side is faded a grayish blue and is flaking terribly.  The north side of the house looks like it was just painted and will take two or three coats of the creamy yellow to cover.  You can't really tell from the picture, but the sill is a darker yellow and the molding where the top casing and window casing meet is also the darker yellow.  I like it.  Now, to get up the courage to get the longer ladder and go up to the next story windows and after that the fascia boards and under skirting.  I am sure I have called them the wrong thing, and am sure it will be pointed out to me in due course.  LOL.  Life is a learning experience.

Bye for now.  Toodles

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